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A class for interfacing with the Vecto Lookup API.



async lookup(requestParameters: LookupRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<LookupResponse>

Searches for the nearest vectors to the query in the provided vector space.


  • requestParameters (LookupRequest): Parameters for the lookup request.
    • vectorSpaceId: The ID of the vector space to search in (required).
    • modality: The modality of the query.
    • topK: The number of top vectors to return.
    • query: The query vector.
    • ids: List of specific IDs to search.
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • Array(LookupResponse): Returns an array of LookupResult. Each LookupResult element contains:
    • id: indexed data id.
    • similarity: Lookup search result score.
    • attributes: Information appended to the indexed data.
import { Configuration, LookupApi, LookupRequest } from 'vecto-sdk'

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-token'

const api = new LookupApi(config);

const textParams: LookupRequest = {
vectorSpaceId: 'your-vector-space-id',
modality: 'TEXT',
topK: 3,
query: 'sample',

const responseText = await api.lookup(textParams);


async lookupWithDynamicAnalogy(requestParameters: LookupWithDynamicAnalogyRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<LookupResponse>

Gets the word or image analogy by providing the query parameter and the analogy as the start and end parameters. For example: query=cat, start=dog, end=puppy and the expected output would be kitten.


  • requestParameters (LookupWithDynamicAnalogyRequest): Parameters for the lookup request.
    • vectorSpaceId: The ID of the vector space to search in (required).
    • modality: The modality of the query.
    • topK: The number of top analogies to return.
    • query: The query word or image (required).
    • start: Array of starting points for the analogy (required).
    • end: Array of end points for the analogy (required).
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • Array(LookupResponse): Returns an array of LookupResult. Each LookupResult element contains:
    • id: indexed data id.
    • similarity: Lookup search result score.
    • attributes: Information appended to the indexed data.
import { Configuration, LookupApi, LookupRequest, LookupWithDynamicAnalogyRequest } from 'vecto-sdk'

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-token'

const api = new LookupApi(config);

const textParams: LookupRequest = {
vectorSpaceId: 'your-vector-space-id',
modality: 'TEXT',
topK: 3,
query: 'sample',

const responseText = await api.lookup(textParams);

const analogyTextParams: LookupWithDynamicAnalogyRequest = {
vectorSpaceId: 'your-vector-space-id',
modality: 'TEXT',
topK: 3,
query: "Man",
start: [new Blob(["King"]), new Blob(["Husband"])],
end: [new Blob(["Queen"]), new Blob(["Wife"])],

const analogyResponseText = await api.lookupWithDynamicAnalogy(analogyTextParams);