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A class for interfacing with the Vecto Management API.



async createToken(requestParameters: CreateTokenRequest = {}, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<TokenDTO>

This method creates a new access token.


  • requestParameters (CreateTokenRequest): Parameters for creating a new token.

    • tokenType: The type of the token (e.g., 'USAGE', 'PUBLIC', 'ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT').
    • name: The name associated with the token.
    • vectorSpaceIds: An array of vector space IDs that the token should have access to.
    • allowsAccessToAllVectorSpaces: Whether or not the token allows access to all vector spaces.
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • TokenDTO: Data transfer object containing details of the created token.
    • id: The unique identifier for the token.
    • accountId: The unique identifier for the account associated with the token.
    • name: The name assigned to the token.
    • tokenType: The type of token (described by the TokenType).
    • allowsAccessToAllVectorSpaces: A boolean indicating if the token provides access to all vector spaces.
    • token: The actual string representation of the token.
    • createdAt: The date and time when the token was created.
    • updatedAt: The date and time when the token was last updated.
    • vectorSpacesIds: A list of unique identifiers for the vector spaces the token can access.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateTokenRequest, TokenType } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);

const createTokenParams: CreateTokenRequest = {
tokenType: 'USAGE',
name: 'Sample Token Name',
vectorSpaceIds: [123, 456], // Example vector space IDs
allowsAccessToAllVectorSpaces: false

const newToken = await api.createToken(createTokenParams);


async createVectorSpace(requestParameters: CreateVectorSpaceRequest = {}, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<VectorSpaceResponse>

This method creates a new vector space.


  • requestParameters (CreateVectorSpaceRequest): Parameters for creating a new vector space.

    • name: The name of the new vector space.
    • modelId: The ID of the model associated with the vector space.
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • VectorSpaceResponse: Data transfer object containing details of the created vector space.
    • id: The unique identifier for the vector space.
    • name: The name assigned to the vector space.
    • model: details of the model, specified by ModelInformation.
      • id: The unique identifier for the model.
      • modality: The specific modality of the model.
      • name: Model name.
      • description: Overview of the model.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);

const createVectorSpaceParams: CreateVectorSpaceRequest = {
newVectorSpaceRequest: {
name: 'Sample Vector Space Name',
modelId: 1 // Example model ID

const newVectorSpace = await api.createVectorSpace(createVectorSpaceParams);


async deleteEntry(requestParameters: DeleteEntryRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<void>

This method deletes an entry in a vector space.


  • requestParameters (DeleteEntryRequest): Parameters to identify the entry to be deleted.
    • vectorSpaceId: The ID of the vector space containing the entry.
    • entryId: The ID of the entry to be deleted.
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);

const deleteEntryParams: DeleteEntryRequest = {
vectorSpaceId: 123, // Example vector space ID
entryId: 456 // Example entry ID
await api.deleteEntry(deleteEntryParams);


async deleteToken(requestParameters: DeleteTokenRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<ActionStatusResponse>

This method deletes an access token.


  • requestParameters (DeleteTokenRequest): Parameters to identify the token to be deleted.
    • id: The ID of the token to be deleted.
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • ActionStatusResponse: Data transfer object indicating the status of the delete operation.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);
const deleteTokenParams = { id: 12345 }; // Example token ID
const statusResponse = await api.deleteToken(deleteTokenParams);


async deleteVectorSpace(requestParameters: DeleteVectorSpaceRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<ActionStatusResponse>

This method deletes a vector space specified by its ID.


  • requestParameters (DeleteVectorSpaceRequest): Parameters to identify the vector space to be deleted.
    • id: The ID of the vector space to be deleted.
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • ActionStatusResponse: Data transfer object indicating the status of the delete operation.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);
const deleteVectorSpaceParams = { id: 12345 }; // Example vector space ID
const statusResponse = await api.deleteVectorSpace(deleteVectorSpaceParams);


async listData(requestParameters: ListDataRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<DataPage>

This method lists the attributes of all entries in the given vector space.


  • requestParameters (ListDataRequest): Parameters to list data.

    • vectorSpaceId: The ID of the vector space.
    • limit: Limit the number of returned entries.
    • offset: The offset for pagination.
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • Array(DataPage): Returns an array of DataEntry elements from the vector space. Each DataEntry contains:
    • count: The total number of data entries in the vector space.
    • elements: List of individual data entries, described by DataEntry.
      • id: The unique identifier for the data entry.
      • attributes: Arbitrary JSON value providing additional details about the data entry.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);

const listDataParams: ListDataRequest = {
vectorSpaceId: 123, // Example vector space ID
limit: 10, // Example limit
offset: 0 // Example offset
const dataPage = await api.listData(listDataParams);


async listModels(initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<Array<ModelInformation>>

This method lists all available models.

  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • Array(ModelInformation): An array containing ModelInformation elements. Each ModelInformation contains:
    • id: The unique identifier for the model.
    • modality: The specific modality of the model.
    • name: The name given to the model.
    • description: A detailed description or overview of the model.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);
const models = await api.listModels();


async listTokens(initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<Array<TokenResponse>>

This method retrieves a list of tokens.

  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • Array(TokenResponse): An array where each element is a TokenResponse detailing specific information about a token. Each TokenResponse contains:
    • id: The unique identifier for the token.
    • name: The name assigned to the token.
    • tokenType: The type of token.
    • vectorSpaceIds: List of unique identifiers for the vector spaces the token can access.
    • allVectorSpaces: Boolean indicating if the token provides access to all vector spaces.
    • createdAt: The date and time when the token was created.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);
const tokens = await api.listTokens();


async listVectorSpaces(initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<Array<VectorSpaceResponse>>

This method retrieves a list of vector spaces.

  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • Array(VectorSpaceResponse): An array where each element is a VectorSpaceResponse providing details about a specific vector space. Each VectorSpaceResponse contains:
    • id: The unique identifier for the vector space.
    • name: The name assigned to the vector space.
    • model: Information about the associated model, defined by ModelInformation.
      • id: The unique identifier for the model.
      • modality: The specific modality of the model.
      • name: The name of the model.
      • description: A description or overview of the model.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);
const vectorSpaces = await api.listVectorSpaces();


async updateVectorSpace(requestParameters: UpdateVectorSpaceOperationRequest, initOverrides?: RequestInit | runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Promise<VectorSpaceResponse>

This method updates the properties of a vector space specified by its ID.


  • requestParameters (UpdateVectorSpaceOperationRequest): Contains the required details to update the vector space. This includes:
    • id: The ID of the vector space to update.
    • updateVectorSpaceRequest: The request parameters to update the vector space.
  • initOverrides (RequestInit or runtime.InitOverrideFunction): Overrides for the request initialization.


  • VectorSpaceResponse: An object containing the updated details of the vector space.
    • id: The unique identifier for the vector space.
    • name: The name assigned to the vector space.
    • model: Information about the associated model, defined by ModelInformation.
      • id: The unique identifier for the model.
      • modality: The specific modality of the model.
      • name: The name of the model.
      • description: A description or overview of the model.


import { Configuration, ManagementApi, CreateVectorSpaceRequest } from 'vecto-sdk';

const config = new Configuration({
accessToken: 'your-existing-token'

const api = new ManagementApi(config);
const updateRequest = {
id: 123,
updateVectorSpaceRequest: {
name: "Updated Name"
// ... other parameters to update
const updatedVectorSpace = await api.updateVectorSpace(updateRequest);